Urban and Territorial studies: Urban Megacluster [2011]
Professors: Josep Anton Acebillo, Elias Zenghelis
Team: Joanna Jossif, Matilde Gonzáles Asteinza
Location: Undetermined
BIArch, Barcelona
Urban cluster of 2 000 000 m² for 20 000 users
Housing, offices, education, leisure, commerce, services, public spaces and parking.
The cluster proposal, through its shape and geometry attempts to optimize problems associated with overpopulation and expansion needs.
The project is solved with an immeuble-citè (building city). A solution that provides easy territorial insertion and reduces the footprint with a minimum impact on the ground, thus countering urban sprawl.
A main concept that helps to form this building city is the allowance of existing environmental conditions whether that is vegetation, crops or water elements. In order to avoid friction the cluster is released from the land and holes are inserted to allow sunlight and ventilation through. Other concepts that lead to the final shape are proximity, density, compactness, concentration and vertical growth.
The final geometry is constructed by two parallel ‘walls’ and a horizontal slab connecting the two and hosting services while creating a public platform and a protected interchange hall.
Grid Façade: The envelope of the cluster was treated with a grid based pattern which corresponds to each use. The pattern includes two sizes of squares, the smaller square is assigned to private uses like housing and the larger square to public uses (offices, commerce) as well as vertical communications.
The pattern creates an anaglyph facade with different depths depending on orientation.